DIMAX Int. Poland moves its headquarters to Panattoni Park Pruszków V

26 september 2023

DIMAX Int. Poland moves its headquarters to Panattoni Park Pruszków V


DIMAX Int. Poland, which specialises as the exclusive importer and representative of the German brand Könner & Söhnen in the field of power generators and garden machinery, is moving its headquarters to a new distribution centre, Panattoni Park Pruszków V (Ulma). The entire investment comprises 3,400 square metres of warehouse and office space, which means it occupies the last available module at this location near Warsaw.

Pruszków as the new capital of Polish logistics and green innovation

Pruszków is proving to be one of the most attractive locations on the market and Panattoni has delivered nearly 300,000 square metres of industrial space here within six parks.  

Panattoni Park Pruszków V (Ulma) is a modern A-class logistics centre with an area of 13,520 square metres, located near the A2 motorway near Pruszków and about 25 km from F. Chopin Airport in Warsaw. Among the many innovative technological and environmental solutions are energy-efficient LED lighting, panoramic windows that can be opened and glazing to increase the availability of natural light. This development has been awarded a BREEAM certificate at the Excellent level. 

New warehouse space: efficient distribution and optimisation of logistics costs  

The new warehouse space will increase the storage capacity of goods and contribute significantly to the optimisation of logistics processes, resulting in faster distribution and reduced operating costs.

Our expansion and the decision to relocate to a new distribution centre fit perfectly with our growth strategy on the Polish market. Our aim is to ensure long-term growth and stability, as well as to serve our customers more efficiently. The new warehouse space significantly increases our ability to store goods and has a positive impact on optimising the supply chain by speeding up distribution and reducing logistics costs – emphasises Kamila Winiarska, CEO of DIMAX Int. Poland

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